socialchoicekit.randomized_allocation module

class socialchoicekit.randomized_allocation.ProbabilisticSerial(zero_indexed: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Probabilistic Serial (Bogomolnaia and Moulin 2001) is a special case of the simultaneous eating algorithm where all agents have the same eating speed.



If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.

bistochastic(profile: StrictProfile) ndarray[source]

The bistochastic matrix outputted by this voting rule on a preference profile. This bistochastic matrix can be decomposed with the Birkhoff von Neumann algorithm (implemented in bistochastic.birkhoff_von_neumann) to a convex combination of permuation matrices.


profile: StrictProfile

An (N, N) array, where M is the number of items. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for item j, where 1 is the most preferred item. If the agent finds an item unacceptable, the element would be np.nan.



A bistochastic matrix.

scf(profile: StrictProfile) ndarray[source]

The social choice function for this voting rule. Returns at most one item allocated for each agent.


profile: StrictProfile

An (N, N) array, where M is the number of items. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for item j, where 1 is the most preferred item. If the agent finds an item unacceptable, the element would be np.nan.



A numpy array containing the allocated item for each agent or np.nan if the agent is unallocated.

class socialchoicekit.randomized_allocation.RandomSerialDictatorship(zero_indexed: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Random Serial Dictatorship (Bogomolnaia and Moulin 2001) selects a random agent to select their most preferred item, then selects a random agent from the remaining agents to select their most preferred item, and so on until all agents have selected an item.



If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.

scf(profile: StrictProfile) ndarray[source]

The social choice function for this voting rule. Returns at most one item allocated for each agent.


profile: StrictProfile

A (N, M) array, where N is the number of agents and M is the number of items. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for item j, where 1 is the most preferred item. If the agent finds an item unacceptable, the element would be np.nan.



A numpy array containing the allocated item for each agent or np.nan if the agent is unallocated.

class socialchoicekit.randomized_allocation.SimultaneousEating(zero_indexed: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Simultaneous Eating (Bogomolnaia and Moulin 2001) is an algorithm for fair random assignment (resource allocation) where the fraction that each agent receives an item in a simultaneous eating setting is translated to the probability that the agent is assigned an item in the resource allocation setting.



If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.

bistochastic(profile: StrictProfile, speeds: ndarray) ndarray[source]

The bistochastic matrix outputted by this voting rule on a preference profile. This bistochastic matrix can be decomposed with the Birkhoff von Neumann algorithm (implemented in bistochastic.birkhoff_von_neumann) to a convex combination of permuation matrices.


profile: StrictProfile

An (N, N) array, where M is the number of items. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for item j, where 1 is the most preferred item. If the agent finds an item unacceptable, the element would be np.nan.

speeds: np.ndarray

A N-array, where N is the number of agents. The element at i indicates the speed of agent i. The speed of an agent is the number of items that the agent can eat in one time unit.



A bistochastic matrix.

scf(profile: StrictProfile, speeds: ndarray) ndarray[source]

The social choice function for this voting rule. Returns at most one item allocated for each agent.


profile: StrictProfile

An (N, N) array, where M is the number of items. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for item j, where 1 is the most preferred item. If the agent finds an item unacceptable, the element would be np.nan.

speeds: np.ndarray

A N-array, where N is the number of agents. The element at i indicates the speed of agent i. The speed of an agent is the number of items that the agent can eat in one time unit.



A numpy array containing the allocated item for each agent or np.nan if the agent is unallocated.