socialchoicekit.deterministic_tournament module

class socialchoicekit.deterministic_tournament.BaseTournament(tie_breaker: str = 'random', zero_indexed: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

The abstract tournament rule. This class should not be instantiated directly.


tie_breaker{“random”, “first”, “accept”}
  • “random”: pick from a uniform distribution among the winners

  • “first”: pick the alternative with the lowest index

  • “accept”: return all winners in an array


If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.

scf(score: ndarray) ndarray | int[source]

Common logic for computing the social choice function.



A two dimensional (N, M) numpy array where N is the number of alternatives and M is the number of voters. The element at (i, j) indicates the score arising from voter i’s ordering of alternative j. Obtain this array by calling a score function in a subclass.


Union[np.ndarray, int]

A numpy array of the winning alternative(s) or a single winning alternative.

swf(score: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Common logic for computing the social welfare function.



A two dimensional (N, M) numpy array where N is the number of alternatives and M is the number of voters. The element at (i, j) indicates the score arising from voter i’s ordering of alternative j. Obtain this array by calling a score function in a subclass.



A two dimensional (2, M) numpy array where the first row indicates the alternative number and the second row indicates the score.

class socialchoicekit.deterministic_tournament.Copeland(tie_breaker: str = 'random', zero_indexed: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BaseTournament

Copeland rewards an alternative x for each pairwise victory x > y over an opponent and punishes her for each defeat, but disregards the margins of victory or defeat.


tie_breaker{“random”, “first”, “accept”}
  • “random”: pick from a uniform distribution among the winners

  • “first”: pick the alternative with the lowest index

  • “accept”: return all winners in an array


If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.

scf(profile: StrictCompleteProfile) ndarray | int[source]

The social choice function for this voting rule. Returns a set of alternatives with the highest scores. With a tie breaking rule, returns a single alternative.


Complexity O(MN)


profile: StrictCompleteProfile

A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.


Union[np.ndarray, int]

A numpy array of the winning alternative(s) or a single winning alternative.

score(profile: StrictCompleteProfile) ndarray[source]

The scoring function for this voting rule. Returns a list of alternatives with their scores.


Complexity O(M^2 N)


profile: StrictCompleteProfile

A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.



A (1, M) array of scores where the element at (0, j) indicates the score for alternative j.

swf(profile: StrictCompleteProfile) ndarray[source]

The social welfare function for this voting rule. Returns a ranked list of alternatives with the scores. Note that tie breaking behavior is undefined.


Complexity O(M^N)


profile: StrictCompleteProfile

A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter’s preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.



A (2, M) array of scores where the element at (0, j) indicates the alternative number for the jth alternative and (1, j) indictes the score for the jth alternative.