socialchoicekit.flow module

socialchoicekit.flow.capacity_across_cut(G: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]], cut: Set[int]) int[source]

Computes the capacity across a cut in a flow network.


GDict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]

A flow network of the form {i: [(j, c), (k, c), …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [(j, c), (k, c), …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to along with the capacity of the edge.


Set of vertices that form the source side of the cut.



The total capacity across the cut.

socialchoicekit.flow.convert_bipartite_graph_to_flow_network(G: Dict[int, List[int]], X: list, Y: list) Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]][source]

Converts a bipartite graph to a flow network by performing the following. - Add a source vertex s and a sink vertex t. In this implementation, s = -1, t = -2. - Add an edge from s to each vertex in X. - Add an edge from each vertex in Y to t. - For each edge in the unweighted graph, assign capacity 1 to each edge.

Must run utils.convert_bipartite_graph on G, X, Y before calling this function.


GDict[int, List[int]]

A bipartite graph of the form {i: [j, k, …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [j, k, …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to. The graph may be undirected (as in for every edges from x to y there is an edge from y to x) or directed. If it is directed, then the edges are assumed to be directed from X to Y.


The list of the left vertices (in the first partition) in the bipartite graph G.


The list of the right vertices (in the second partition) in the bipartite graph G.


Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]

A graph of the form {i: [(j, c), (k, c), …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [(j, c), (k, c), …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to along with the capacity of the edge.

socialchoicekit.flow.dfs_path(G: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]], current: int, sink: int, visited: Dict[int, int]) Tuple[List[int], int] | None[source]

Finds a path from the given vertex to the sink vertex.


GDict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]

A flow network of the form {i: [(j, c), (k, c), …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [(j, c), (k, c), …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to along with the capacity of the edge. The value of the capacities cannot exceed sys.maxsize.


The index of the current vertex.


The index of the sink vertex.

visitedDict[int, int]

A dictionary of the form {i: j} where i is the index of a vertex and j is 0 if i is not visited, 1 if i is visited.


Tuple[List[int], int]

A tuple of the form (path, capacity) where path is a list of vertices in the path from the current vertex to the sink vertex and capacity is the capacity of the path.


If there is no path from the current vertex to the sink vertex.

socialchoicekit.flow.flow_across_network(flow: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int], s: int) int[source]

Computes the flow across a network.


flowDict[Tuple[int, int], int]

A flow network with the maximum flow. The flow network is of the form {(i, j): f} where f is the flow from vertex i to vertex j. This flow network includes paths in the original graph where the flow is zero.


The index of the source vertex. The source vertex should not have any incoming flow.



The flow across the network.

socialchoicekit.flow.ford_fulkerson(G: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]], s: int, t: int) Tuple[Dict[Tuple[int, int], int], Set[int]][source]

The Ford Fulkerson algorithm for computing the maximum flow and minimum cut in a flow network (with depth first search)

This implementation only works with integral capacities, and we use this to ensure that the algorithm terminates.


GDict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]

A flow network of the form {i: [(j, c), (k, c), …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [(j, c), (k, c), …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to along with the capacity of the edge. The value of the capacities cannot exceed sys.maxsize.


The index of the source vertex.


The index of the sink vertex.


Tuple[Dict[Tuple[int, int], int], Set[int]]

For each component, see below.

Dict[Tuple[int, int], int]

The flow network with the maximum flow. The flow network is of the form {(i, j): f} where f is the flow from vertex i to vertex j. This flow network includes paths in the original graph where the flow is zero.


A subset of the nodes that are in the source side of the minimum cut.

socialchoicekit.flow.maximum_cardinality_matching_bipartite(G: Dict[int, List[int]], X: list, Y: list) List[Tuple[int, int]][source]

The maximum cardinality matching on a bipartite graph. This runs the Ford Fulkerson algorithm (with depth first search).


GDict[int, List[int]]

A dictionary of the form {i: [j, k, …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [j, k, …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to. This graph may be directed or undirected. If it is directed, then the edges are assumed to be directed from X to Y. This graph must be bipartite.


The list of the left vertices (in the first partition) in the bipartite graph G.


The list of the right vertices (in the second partition) in the bipartite graph G.


List[Tuple[int, int]]

A list of tuples of the form (i, j) where i is a vertex in X and j is a vertex in Y. This represents the maximum cardinality matching.

socialchoicekit.flow.reachable_vertices(G: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]], s: int) Set[int][source]

Finds the vertices that are reachable from a given vertex in a flow residual network.


G_fDict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]

A flow residual network of the form {i: [(j, c), (k, c), …]} where i is the index of a vertex and [(j, c), (k, c), …] are the indices of the vertices that i is connected to along with the capacity of the edge.

s: int

The index to check reachability from.



A list of vertices that are reachable from the given vertex.