Source code for socialchoicekit.preflib_utils

import numpy as np

from preflibtools.instances import OrdinalInstance, CategoricalInstance

from socialchoicekit.utils import check_tie_breaker
from socialchoicekit.profile_utils import *

[docs]def preflib_soc_to_profile(instance: OrdinalInstance) -> StrictCompleteProfile: """ Convert a Preflib SoC (Strict Orders - Complete List) to the profile (Numpy matrix) format. For details on Preflib SoC, see Parameters ---------- soc: OrdinalInstance The Preflib SoC to convert. This is included in the preflibtools.instances module. The data_type for this must be soc. Returns ------- StrictCompleteProfile The profile (Numpy matrix) format of the Preflib SoC. """ if instance.data_type != "soc": raise ValueError("The inputted instance is not a SoC (Strictly Orders - Complete List) instance.") flattened_order = instance.flatten_strict() m = instance.num_alternatives arr = [] for order, multiplicity in flattened_order: # Order: strict complete order of the alternatives # Multiplicity: the number of agents that had this ordinal preference indices = np.array(order) - 1 preference = np.zeros(m, dtype=int) preference[indices] = np.arange(1, m + 1) for _ in range(multiplicity): arr.append(preference) return StrictCompleteProfile.of(np.array(arr))
[docs]def preflib_soi_to_profile(instance: OrdinalInstance) -> StrictIncompleteProfile: """ Convert a Preflib SoI (Strict Orders - Incomplete List) to the profile (Numpy matrix) format. For details on Preflib SoC, see Parameters ---------- soi: OrdinalInstance The Preflib SoI to convert. This is included in the preflibtools.instances module. The data_type for this must be soi. Returns ------- StrictIncompleteProfile The profile (Numpy matrix) format of the Preflib SoC. """ if instance.data_type != "soi": raise ValueError("The inputted instance is not a SoI (Strictly Orders - Incomplete List) instance.") # Note: this prints that we are using flatten_strict on a non-strict order but soi is (supposed to be) strict. print("Ignore the warning(s) below:") flattened_order = instance.flatten_strict() arr = [] for order, multiplicity in flattened_order: indices = np.array(order) - 1 preference = np.full(instance.num_alternatives, np.nan) preference[indices] = np.arange(1, len(indices) + 1) # Order: strict incomplete order of the alternatives # Multiplicity: the number of agents that had this ordinal preference for _ in range(multiplicity): arr.append(preference) return StrictIncompleteProfile.of(np.array(arr))
[docs]def preflib_toc_to_profile(instance: OrdinalInstance, tie_breaker: str = "random") -> CompleteProfileWithTies: """ Convert a Preflib ToC (Orders with Ties - Complete List) to the profile (Numpy matrix) format. For details on Preflib ToC, see Parameters ---------- toc: OrdinalInstance The Preflib ToC to convert. This is included in the preflibtools.instances module. The data_type for this must be toc. tie_breaker : {"random", "first", "accept"} - "random": shuffle the tied items into a random order - "first": sort the tied items in ascending order - "accept": do not break ties Returns ------- CompleteProfileWithTies The profile (Numpy matrix) format of the Preflib ToC. """ if instance.data_type != "toc": raise ValueError("The inputted instance is not a ToC (Orders with Ties - Complete List) instance.") check_tie_breaker(tie_breaker, include_accept=True) vote_map = instance.vote_map() arr = [] for order, multiplicity in vote_map.items(): # Order: complete unflattened order of the alternatives # Multiplicity: the number of agents that had this ordinal preference preference = np.zeros(instance.num_alternatives, dtype=int) current_rank = 1 for tied_items in order: tied_items = np.array(tied_items) - 1 if tie_breaker == "accept": preference[tied_items] = current_rank else: if tie_breaker == "random": np.random.shuffle(tied_items) elif tie_breaker == "first": tied_items = np.sort(tied_items) preference[tied_items] = np.arange(current_rank, len(tied_items) + current_rank) current_rank += len(tied_items) for _ in range(multiplicity): arr.append(preference) return CompleteProfileWithTies.of(np.array(arr))
[docs]def preflib_toi_to_profile(instance: OrdinalInstance, tie_breaker: str = "random") -> IncompleteProfileWithTies: """ Convert a Preflib ToI (Orders with Ties - Incomplete List) to the profile (Numpy matrix) format. For details on Preflib ToI, see Parameters ---------- toi: OrdinalInstance The Preflib ToI to convert. This is included in the preflibtools.instances module. The data_type for this must be toi. tie_breaker : {"random", "first", "accept"} - "random": shuffle the tied items into a random order - "first": sort the tied items in ascending order - "accept": do not break ties Returns ------- IncompleteProfileWithTies The profile (Numpy matrix) format of the Preflib ToI. """ if instance.data_type != "toi": raise ValueError("The inputted instance is not a ToI (Orders with Ties - Incomplete List) instance.") vote_map = instance.vote_map() arr = [] for order, multiplicity in vote_map.items(): # Order: incomplete unflattened order of the alternatives # Multiplicity: the number of agents that had this ordinal preference preference = np.full(instance.num_alternatives, np.nan) current_rank = 1 for tied_items in order: tied_items = np.array(tied_items) - 1 if tie_breaker == "accept": preference[tied_items] = current_rank else: if tie_breaker == "random": np.random.shuffle(tied_items) elif tie_breaker == "first": tied_items = np.sort(tied_items) preference[tied_items] = np.arange(current_rank, len(tied_items) + current_rank) current_rank += len(tied_items) for _ in range(multiplicity): arr.append(preference) return IncompleteProfileWithTies.of(np.array(arr))
[docs]def preflib_categorical_to_profile(instance: CategoricalInstance, tie_breaker: str = "random") -> IncompleteProfileWithTies: """ Convert a Preflib categorical instance to the profile (Numpy matrix) format. For details on Preflib categorical, see Parameters ---------- instance: CategoricalInstance The Preflib categorical instance to convert. This is included in the preflibtools.instances module. tie_breaker : {"random", "first", "accept"} - "random": shuffle the tied items into a random order - "first": sort the tied items in ascending order - "accept": do not break ties Returns ------- IncompleteProfileWithTies The profile (Numpy matrix) format of the Preflib categorical instance. """ # This is essentially equal to a toi. arr = [] for p in instance.preferences: preference = np.full(instance.num_alternatives, np.nan) current_rank = 1 for tied_items in p: # This condition is necessary to avoid indexing errors. if len(tied_items) == 0: continue tied_items = np.array(tied_items) - 1 if tie_breaker == "accept": preference[tied_items] = current_rank else: if tie_breaker == "random": np.random.shuffle(tied_items) elif tie_breaker == "first": tied_items = np.sort(tied_items) preference[tied_items] = np.arange(current_rank, len(tied_items) + current_rank) current_rank += len(tied_items) for _ in range(instance.multiplicity[p]): arr.append(preference) return IncompleteProfileWithTies.of(np.array(arr))