import numpy as np
from typing import Union
from socialchoicekit.utils import check_tie_breaker, break_tie
from socialchoicekit.elicitation_utils import Elicitor, SynchronousStdInElicitor
from socialchoicekit.profile_utils import StrictCompleteProfile, CompleteValuationProfile
[docs]class BaseElicitationVoting:
The abstract base elicitation voting rule. This class should not be instantiated directly.
While there is a tie-breaking mechanism for this class, it is only used to tie-break between alternatives that have the same score. It is not used to decide which alternative would be queried (if they have the same cardinal utility).
tie_breaker : {"random", "first", "accept"}
- "random": pick from a uniform distribution among the winners
- "first": pick the alternative with the lowest index
- "accept": return all winners in an array
zero_indexed : bool
If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.
def __init__(
tie_breaker: str = "random",
zero_indexed: bool = False
) -> None:
self.tie_breaker = tie_breaker
self.index_fixer = 0 if zero_indexed else 1
[docs] def scf(self, score: np.ndarray) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]:
Common logic for the social choice function.
score: np.ndarray
A M-array, where M is the number of alternatives. The ith element indicates the social welfare value for alternative i.
Union[np.ndarray, int]
A numpy array of the winning alternative(s) or a single winning alternative.
winners = np.argwhere(score == np.amax(score)).flatten() + self.index_fixer
return break_tie(winners, self.tie_breaker)
[docs]class LambdaPRV(BaseElicitationVoting):
Lambda-Prefix Range Voting [ABFV2021]_ is the most basic elicitation voting rule that queries every agent at the first lambda >= 1 positions.
lambda_: int
The number of positions to query.
tie_breaker : {"random", "first", "accept"}
- "random": pick from a uniform distribution among the winners
- "first": pick the alternative with the lowest index
- "accept": return all winners in an array
zero_indexed : bool
If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.
def __init__(
lambda_: int = 1,
tie_breaker: str = "random",
zero_indexed: bool = False
super().__init__(tie_breaker, zero_indexed)
if lambda_ < 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid lambda")
self.lambda_ = lambda_
[docs] def score(
profile: StrictCompleteProfile,
elicitor: Elicitor = SynchronousStdInElicitor(),
) -> np.ndarray:
The scoring function for this voting rule. Returns a list of alternatives with their scores.
profile: StrictCompleteProfile
This is the ordinal profile. A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter's preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.
elicitor: Elicitor
The elicitor that will be used to query the agents.
A M-array of scores where the jth element indicates the score for alternative j.
if self.lambda_ > profile.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Invalid lambda")
# Column indices for the values that are in the top lambda
j_indices = np.argpartition(-profile, -self.lambda_, axis=1)[:, -self.lambda_:].flatten()
# Row indices for the values that are in the top lambda
i_indices = (np.arange(profile.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1) * np.ones(self.lambda_, dtype=int)).flatten()
ans = np.zeros(profile.shape[1])
for i, j in zip(i_indices, j_indices):
ans[j] += elicitor.elicit(i, j)
return ans
[docs] def scf(
profile: StrictCompleteProfile,
elicitor: Elicitor = SynchronousStdInElicitor()
) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]:
The social choice function for this voting rule. Returns a set of alternatives with the highest scores. With a tie breaking rule, returns a single alternative.
profile: StrictCompleteProfile
This is the ordinal profile. A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter's preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.
elicitor: Elicitor
The elicitor that will be used to query the agents.
Union[np.ndarray, int]
A numpy array of the winning alternative(s) or a single winning alternative.
score = self.score(profile, elicitor)
return super().scf(score)
[docs]class KARV(BaseElicitationVoting):
k-Acceptable Range Voting [ABFV2021]_ is a generalization of Lambda-Prefix Range Voting that partitions alternatives into k + 1 sets for every agent to create a simulated value function using binary search.
k: int
The number of positions to query.
tie_breaker : {"random", "first", "accept"}
- "random": pick from a uniform distribution among the winners
- "first": pick the alternative with the lowest index
- "accept": return all winners in an array
zero_indexed : bool
If True, the output of the social welfare function and social choice function will be zero-indexed. If False, the output will be one-indexed. One-indexed by default.
def __init__(
k: int = 1,
tie_breaker: str = "random",
zero_indexed: bool = False
super().__init__(tie_breaker, zero_indexed)
if k < 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid k")
self.k = k
[docs] def score(
profile: StrictCompleteProfile,
elicitor: Elicitor = SynchronousStdInElicitor(),
) -> np.ndarray:
The scoring function for this voting rule. Returns a list of alternatives with their scores.
profile: StrictCompeleteProfile
This is the ordinal profile. A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter's preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.
elicitor: Elicitor
The elicitor that will be used to query the agents.
A (1, M) array of scores where the element at (0, j) indicates the score for alternative j.
v_tilde = self.get_simulated_cardinal_profile(profile, elicitor)
return np.sum(v_tilde, axis=0)
[docs] def get_simulated_cardinal_profile(
profile: StrictCompleteProfile,
elicitor: Elicitor = SynchronousStdInElicitor(),
) -> CompleteValuationProfile:
Obtain the simulated cardinal profile.
profile: StrictCompeleteProfile
This is the ordinal profile. A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter's preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.
elicitor: Elicitor
The elicitor that will be used to query the agents.
A (N, M) array where the element at (i, j) indicates the simulated welfare of alternative j for agent i.
if self.k > profile.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Invalid k")
n = profile.shape[0]
m = profile.shape[1]
# Element at (i, j) is agent i's j+1th most preferred alternative (0-indexed alternative number)
ranked_profile = np.argsort(profile, axis=1).view(np.ndarray)
# Element at i is agent i's favorite alternative
v_favorite = elicitor.elicit_multiple(np.arange(n), ranked_profile[:, 0])
# We have this as an inner function because it currently needs to access the ranked_profile array.
# We've modified this binary search from the paper for our implementation.
def binary_search(i: int, alpha: int, beta: int, lambda_: int, v: float):
if beta - alpha <= 1:
return alpha
# This will never be more than m - 1, even if we start with beta = m.
mid = (alpha + beta) // 2
u = elicitor.elicit(i, ranked_profile[i, mid])
if u >= v / lambda_:
return binary_search(i, mid, beta, lambda_, v)
return binary_search(i, alpha, mid, lambda_, v)
# Element at (i, j) is the simulated welfare of alternative j for agent i
v_tilde = np.zeros((n, m))
v_tilde[np.arange(n), ranked_profile[:, 0]] = v_favorite
# Element at i is the least preferred alternative (0-indexed alternative number) in agent i's lambda-acceptable set
S_prev = np.zeros(n)
for l in range(1, self.k + 1):
lambda_l = m ** (l / (self.k + 1))
p_star = np.array([binary_search(i, 0, m, lambda_l, v_favorite[i]) for i in range(n)])
j_indices = np.concatenate([ranked_profile[i, np.arange(S_prev[i] + 1, p_star[i] + 1, dtype=int)] for i in range(n)])
i_indices = np.concatenate([np.ones(int(p_star[i] - S_prev[i]), dtype=int) * i for i in range(n)])
v_tilde[(i_indices, j_indices)] = v_favorite[i_indices] / lambda_l
S_prev = p_star
return CompleteValuationProfile.of(v_tilde)
[docs] def scf(
profile: StrictCompleteProfile,
elicitor: Elicitor = SynchronousStdInElicitor(),
) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]:
The social choice function for this voting rule. Returns a set of alternatives with the highest scores. With a tie breaking rule, returns a single alternative.
profile: StrictCompleteProfile
This is the ordinal profile. A (N, M) array, where N is the number of voters and M is the number of alternatives. The element at (i, j) indicates the voter's preference for alternative j, where 1 is the most preferred alternative.
elicitor: Elicitor
The elicitor that will be used to query the agents.
Union[np.ndarray, int]
A numpy array of the winning alternative(s) or a single winning alternative.
score = self.score(profile, elicitor)
return super().scf(score)